My friend and coworker, Jessica, sells NuSkin products. My “gateway product” was the AP24 Whitening Toothpaste that I bought from her three years ago. It was fantastic! It really worked and whitened my teeth – all while tasting like a vanilla Tic Tac! I loved it!

Jessica has a Facebook page for her NuSkin business and for next couple of years, I visited her page and learned about new products – some of which I purchased and LOVED. She often made videos of herself using this AMAZING cleansing device called the LumiSpa. Jessica is one of the PE teachers at my school, so she’s outside a lot. I started noticing at school that her skin was looking so much better. I really wanted a LumiSpa, but I couldn’t talk myself into buying one.

I had neglected my skin for a decade or more. I just couldn’t seem to find the time to take care of it. I was always busy – kids, husband, house, dogs, work, etc. I routinely went to bed without washing my face. If I washed it at all, I didn’t moisturize it. As a result, my skin was dull, lifeless, patchy, and I looked far older than I am. My kids are older and more self-sufficient now and I have a little more time than I used to. I started noticing my skin. Fine lines. Deep lines. Grossness.
One day, I decided to order a LumiSpa. The cool thing about this company is that when you make a purchase using PayPal, you can choose to split the purchase price into 4 payments. If you’re ordering a Lumi, the cool thing is that it ships after the first payment!
Honestly, after I got it, it sat in its box for 2 weeks. I was nervous about using it. I don’t know what I thought it was going to to do to me! It was ridiculous! One Friday evening, I decided it was time. I unboxed the LumiSpa and charged it overnight.
The next morning, I pulled my hair back, wet my face, and got started. To use the LumiSpa, you wet your face, wet the head of your Lumi, apply cleanser to the head, and then use the Lumi on your face in a circular motion. You mentally divide your face into four quadrants. I choose to divide mine into these sections: left cheek and nose, right cheek and nose, forehead, and chin. Thirty seconds on each side – and the device actually “buzzes” to let you know when to move to the next section! Two minutes total and you’re done!
After the very first use, there was a difference in my skin. It wasn’t dull anymore. It wasn’t dry. It wasn’t lifeless. It was…AWAKE! Seriously. The Lumi did SO much more than just clean my skin. It has so many other benefits!

I used it again that night. Sunday morning and night. I used it faithfully every morning and every night. This happened just before the whole world got shut down due to COVID. I’m a teacher, so that extended my summer break by two months. One of the few good things about that time is that it gave me a chance to form the habit of using the Lumi every morning and every night. They say it takes about 40 days to form a habit. I’m really grateful that I had that time – and more.

After about two months, Michael actually noticed. We were in the living room and he looked over at me and said, “Wow! Your skin looks really good!” And it did. I was blown away by the improvements in my skin.
If you want to see a video of me using the Lumi, click here: https://www.facebook.com/felicia.w.pate/videos/10165223466085002
By the time we started back to school in August, I was actually sad that I had to cover up half of my face with a mask – and not just for the same reasons everyone else was! The fine lines around my eyes were gone. GONE. The deeper lines (smile lines) were diminished. My skin was radiant, dewy, fresh.
So why do you need one of these?
Because you are worth the investment! You will only have one face. Take care of it! My only Lumi-related regret is that I waited SO LONG to get one!
Do you use makeup wipes to take off your makeup? So did I. Look at this:

It was recently recognized as THE NUMBER ONE CLEANSING DEVICE IN THE WORLD! That’s right. In the world!
So whether you’re young or old or somewhere in between, the Lumi is for you! The silicone head is MUCH gentler on your skin than bristle brush cleaners – not to mention FAR more effective.

You really, really, really, REALLY need one of these! Order one today!
Here’s a link to order:
*Once there, you can choose the type of cleanser you want: Normal/Combo, Sensitive, Oily, Acne, or Dry.
Wanna try that toothpaste?
AP24 Toothpaste (Use this link to get 15% off!)
Come back soon for a great new recipe and more NuSkin offers!
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